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The Big Bad Fox and Other Tales

A 2017 French animated comedy film. It's based on a book, and very obscure. It has three stories, all based around the animals of a farm and their interactions.
French: Le Grand Méchant Renard et autres contes

"I think the Big Bad Fox and Other Tales is underrated."
"Why do you like it?"
"I like the style of the cartoon animals, and it's pleasant to watch. There's an English dub, too."

by The Koopa Named Lemmy November 21, 2021

beefy tale

An absurd lie so obviously from the truth that it can only be a beefy tale.

Jacob, did you know that mangosteen is like the strongest antioxidant and its the cure fore everything?

Wax Luer, yeah right beefy thats just another beefy tale!

by The biggest of all cats November 6, 2017

Cautionary tales

A cautionary tale is a story that gives you a warning or a moral lesson but do to social media and relationships it’s another form of giving people trust issues

Mike: Amy… i don’t trust Gina

Amy: why you say that?
Mike: because I saw this Tic Toker talking about this story time about him and his friends girlfriend “going” and it bothered me
Amy: Those are cautionary tales don’t take em to seriously, take caution to it, but not to the point it ruins your relationship.

by Melo2967 January 14, 2025

The Gardener in Fairy Tales

A woman that loves a married man and is his partner in an affair. Should be ashamed of herself. No morals. Posting love online and clearly isn't what he wants. Fake love. I hope he leaves her for you. And I hope he hurts you in the exact same way he is hurting her now.

Keep being crapping like The Gardener in Fairy Tales. He doesn't love you or his wife. But you should tell her about the afair . Admit it to her like you do to random strangers. so she can find the love she deserves. Scum bag. Fake love. You deserve to be alone. Homewrecker.

by Love is destroying me slowly May 2, 2022

Tales of a Gaper

The soon to be released novel that chronicles the story of a Whale and a Mouse that prove their love to one another through gaping.

Have you read “Tales of a Gaper” yet? It changed my life.

by Lrfbb July 28, 2021

Raven Tales

A term used during the US reality television show Big Brother to describe the many ailments, lies, and claims made by contestant Raven Walton.

Fellow houseguest Paul asks 23-year-old Raven Walton what her GPA was in college, and she replies, dance! Other Raven Tales include she has rough kneecap syndrome, and she regularly gets them shaved down. But her bones are disintegrating as well as her cartilage. Raven has also been diagnosed with Raven's Disease, which makes your hair follicles stop growing. She is the only person that has it, besides a family in Sweden. She also has endometriosis; oddly, for her, it causes a rash on all of her organs. She has hyperthyroidism, but the medicine she needs to take would kill her. She also has arthritis; using a Q-tip makes her cough, has an inverted spine, one ovary smaller than the other, and has had her colon removed. Through all this, prior to going on Big Brother, she was scouted for the Olympics but decided to go on Big Brother instead.

by typewhiter1 January 18, 2024

A Tale of Two Vacuums

A lesser-known Dickens novel about da pair of infamous "Hoovers" in American-government history who notoriously ended up causing more harm than good during their reigns.

Between da indolent Herbert's causing da Great Depression during his presidency, and da recklessly-prejudiced and hatred-filled J. Edgar's founding da FBI which killed da likes of da Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King, da true-story-based book, "A Tale of Two Vacuums" is a wild and sordid narrative indeed!

by QuacksO October 28, 2023