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what teh?

Used the same way as What the?, implying what the hell. It is meant to be said in a sarcastic manner. Wut... teh...

Nick: I'm going to shoot you with a chi blast kamehameha wave.
Steve: What teh....?

Steve: I'm burning a vd before I pick you up. I mean, cd.
Ashley: eww gross, your burning a vd. What teh?

by Esteban norton September 5, 2006

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May Teh

Asian Balloons. Derived from the little asian world of Malay Melons - boy, those are what I call chicken fillets!!

Some Oceana regions have more experience with "May Teh" in the context of whoredom and sleaze-ness!

Have you seen the May Tehs on that! or I'd love a May Teh tonight!

by Shannan Kelly August 14, 2007

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Teh looonje

Teh looonje is the name for the lounge on the second floor of Sol Heumann Hall at RIT. The name was coined as a joke by a computer engineering mentoring group during the 2008-2009 school year. The term has since been adapted to mean any lounge or lounge like place.

Dude, we have a meeting in Teh looonje in five minuets!

by 101010base2 January 15, 2009

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Teh Jack

A dude hoo likes Mr Bean alot, and is watchin u now...

i rock dudes! i luv u all, my fellow luvvas! Teh Jack

by Link-Zelda March 30, 2007

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Teh Fascist

A annoying bossy controlling person, like a girlfriend. She can be really hot but controlling and makes you do anything or she'll break up with you. A dictator.

"You're girlfriend made you wear that? Shes Teh Fascist.

by verbervfs September 4, 2006

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Teh Jamez

James Hetfield, Guitarist/Vocalist of Metallica. Often used in a way which implies a sexual attraction. This is emphasized by a misspelling of 'The' and the use of a 'Z' in place of the 'S'.

I wish Teh Jamez would buttseckz me.

by Mustaine October 31, 2007

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teh butseks

The But-sex. Basically Yaoi in its most graphic form, which though very graphic also ends up being absolutely hillariouse!

you may be watching sensitive pornograph and all of a sudden there is man-cock on the screen and then flashy sequences of them having kinky kinky man sex and all you can do is roll on the floor laughing shouting things like Man-Cock and Penis-hankerchief!

so thus Teh-Butseks is Comic Yaoi.

Best example of Teh Butseks:

When playing Absolute Obiedience (Yaoi dating game) watch out for the Penis-Handkerchief moment, hillarity will ensue, you will understand.

by Mortal February 1, 2008

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