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Robbie Heath

An absolute cunt who uses girls/boys and cheats on them.

thats such a robbie heath thing to do

by welshgirlll July 8, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

smelly robby

small smelly peice of shit who thinks he is big and bad but he likes to eat his moms crunchy leaf tampon for breakfest also ejoys giving his bro chad a rimjob "robby hey u know what kind of cell phone this is its my kind of cell phone hahaha"

evan"what a smeely peice of shit"
david"look at that crusty asshole"
blake"mmm i want to tap his little dirty ass"
david"blake u faggot he is all webbs bitch".

by lunch table October 18, 2004

6๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Robbie Effect

When an individual sees a picture of themselves and can't remember when it was taken. Named after Robbie Spratt.

me *takes picture of Robbie*

-next day-
Robbie - "when the hell did you take this"
me - "yesterday"
Robbie - "i dont remember"

Robbie has the Robbie Effect

by Dood32624 June 13, 2010

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Robbie Williams

The most non-homosexual man on the planet. He is way cooler than the Mars Volta and The Libertines, who basically suck cock for bus fare, then walk home.

Antonym - Homosexual

"Oh my God, I swear, I don't know how it happened Janet! Robbie Williams just walked by me on the street and now I am pregnant!"

by Izak Zimmon October 11, 2006

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Margot Robbie

Crzay ass, Sexy ass Harley Quinn P.S I want to marry her.

Me: "Darling " Margot Robbie: "Yes Daddy"

by PainTol August 6, 2016

88๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

Robbie Tell

Like William Tell with his Arrow into the Apple. This is similar except it is when a man cums into a woman's mouth/eye/between breasts at a distance.

Mr Reynolds had an amazing 'Robbie Tell' moment with his fiance last night, right onto the bridge of her nose.

by Dan Spalke January 17, 2013

robbie lott

A badass mother fucker who will beat your ass

"Damn you see that boy he's a total robbie lott"

by Ft tfddgvidfg February 21, 2018