A Cookie Run “story game” uploader that stole their ex’s idea for one of their newest posts. They consume more Milanesa than the average Italian consumes pasta in approximately 72 hours and tend to listen to twink music
They are also wanted in twenty three countries and possess two deadly mexican behaving sisters that concern half of the Argentinian population that is aware of their existence
But are quite cutesy
“Did you see Walnut’s newest post?”
“Yeah, how many gallons of water does bro expect me to drink??”
A Cookie Run instagram content creator that edits for a so called genre of “story games”, they also stole their ex’s idea for their most recent post, most likely gained this missschiveous plan while eating milanesa as they consume it more than the average Italian pasta in minimum 48+ hours
They’re also wanted in twenty three countries and possess two deadly sisters as one of them acts as if she’s been born and raised in Harrison, while the other is a Swiftie
They’re quite the cutie patootie type but are real bad at slandering people and actually go for the raw demonizing
But you go mädchen!! 🦾🦾 (slang)
“Did you see Walnut’s newest post??”
“Yeah, how many gallons of water does bro expect me to drink?”
1.) A fat or large person.
2.) A woman that your unsure if pregnant or not.
" John looks like a damn walnut."
"Is kelly pregnant? she looks like a walnut.
Walnut is a funny and sweet guy, who will crack jokes. Most often, he always has your back and see's the good in you. He's a good friend if your sad or lonely.
The expression on your face when you see some unattended Barkerhouse rolls on the table for your ma. The expression on your face when you remember every blowjob you ever got. The expression on your face when you see she needs a brogan adjustment. The expression on your face when you guess you could call that a dick. The expression on your face when you read beyond chapter 3 of Sun Tazu's The Art of War. The expression on your face when the Sfogliatelle arrives and is placed softly on the table. When they've been told, twice, and now you'll tell them. Those red panties in the top drawer. When it's your song. When you win the chin-ups cup 3 weeks in a row. When it's not 3 o'clock. When the skip's got your back & warns you about the leftover mayonnaise on your chin. When you go down and you can taste the Dove deep moisture body soak.
When I see a buff ting in a short skirt over her knees, I give her the Walnut to let her know I'd take her back to my ma's for some macaroni and gravy.
Man , I just had a great walnut while you where checking out.