Source Code

white trash expo

A place where everyone there is white trash
A place that looks like a white trash revival

Are you going to the County Fair? No Dude that is so White Trash Expo.

by Manderin August 28, 2005

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White trash cooking

Preparing alternative, disgustingly fattening meals to pizza and McDonald's, when your money is low from having been eating out all the time.

This process involves using idiotic words and phrases - in combination with: a rolling pin, a mallet, a strainer, cheese, a microwave, salt, pepper, and sauce.

White trash cooking example:

"What ma wayf did was:

1)Cullied it on the counter.
2)Mashed it into a trepiditious paste.
3)Fermented it into a milky sauce.

4)Popped it into the microwave and then melted cheese on it until it was nice and gooey.

Then we sprinkled salt and pepper on top of it. After supper, we went out to Dairy Queen."

by Chowderhead34 July 29, 2011

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White Trash Paparazzi

A heard of camera phone wielding people taking pictures of someone or a group of people.

At a bikini contest there was heard of White Trash Paparazzi taking pictures of slutty bikini models with disposable and prepaid picture phones.

by Capt'n Dick August 31, 2008

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white trash tornado

Female white trash that is so abrasive and aggressive that they are impossible to be around.

Ed: "Your daughter, Breannon, is going to have to move out."

Vicki: "Why?"

Ed: "She's always cussing and fussing and clucking and fucking. She's a regular white trash tornado!"

by Geoff AF May 11, 2010

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white trash spices

salt and pepper; more specifically the salt and pepper dispensed from the salt & pepper shakers on the table at a white trash eating establishment (includes at-home dining in a trailer)

My friend Daryl applied the white trash spices to his Applebee's prime rib.

by ngb98 March 23, 2010

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white trash mom

A mother, most commonly named Anji or Shalan who live in towns such as Batesville, IN, who love cock and getting wasted more than her own children. They rarely clean their houses making their kids live in filth. They seldom cook nutritous meals for their growing children and oftentimes depend on the children's father (who finally left the home after being driven to his breaking point due to her insanity) to bring the kids food so that they're actually fed. They put themselves first instead of their children in every situation possible. They spend the majority of free time getting wasted and acting like whores at bars. They think they are attractive, when in reality they are fat, disgusting, trashy, and an embarrassment to the female species. They love to scream and cuss at her children and tell them horrible lies about their fathers. They are the worst mothers on the planet.

What a white trash mom cussing out ber kid!

by Shit Bird April 22, 2015

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White Trash Exchange

Application of various disreputable and/or fraudulent strategies calculated to effect an exchange of damaged or unwanted merchandise for merchandise more desirable (e.g., not damaged or destroyed through one's own negligence or abuse), to which one would not otherwise be entitled. Closely related to "white trash rebate," "white trash refund," "white trash warranty claim," "white trash regifting," etc.

Claude's colorblindedness caused him to cross some wires and short out his new car stereo, but he remained calm because he knew he could effect a white trash exchange and likely moan and groan enough to get free installation of the replacement stereo.

by texlex61 January 27, 2009

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