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the act of being both creepy and weird in conjuction simutaniously.

That boy is creepy-weird! (its the hypen that makes it magical)

by j-a-n September 24, 2006

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Get weird

Doing drugs. Using any kind of drug, alcohol or illegal substance. Geting completely "effed up"!

"Laurel call the dealer...lets get weird tonight."

"Lets get weird and run throug the corn maze."

"I wanna get weird!"

by Sylvia Lee October 21, 2007

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Weird cunt

a term Aussies use to describe someone with odd tendencies

Jessica: That pelican looking cunt Paps sure is making me feel uncomfortable,

Albert: yea Paps sure is a weird cunt

by Papsisafag September 19, 2015

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

weird ox

A strange person; someone who's behaviour is so confusing there are no words to describe it. It is worse than weirdo.

Did you hear that lady dresses her dog in baby clothes and reads to it at bed time - what a weird ox!

by snigs August 1, 2006

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weird fuck

a stupid ass, perverted male or female that is just totally dumb

"stop staring at the cat taking a shit, you weird fuck."

by shosho October 27, 2007

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Weird Wednesdays

A popular night of the week for college students to participate in binge drinking and run around college campus' screaming "get weird", and other inappropriate profanities. College campus' nation wide have recently started buckling down on students drinking on weird wednesdays due to high alcohol poisoning rates.

Scene:Thursday Morning

Nick:Yo bro what did you do last night?
Sam:Got fuckin weird man. Ended up taking a dump in the dimple.
Nick: Again?
Sam: Yea man, weird wednesdays. Gets me every time.

by weirdguy101 September 15, 2010

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hmmm weird

Something said when something really stupid or wrong is said by someone who just said something stupid or wrong.

Person_1: Trump is the best canidate for prez.
Me:hmmm weird

by Tri-Gender Pyrofox March 28, 2016

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