A college class that neither the professor or the students care about. This term gets its name from professors reading Wikipedia articles in their lectures and from students using Wikipedia for their research. These classes are a load of bullshit.
Hey you're taking GHS 204 next semester right? It's a total Wikipedia Class.
When someone writes something on wikipedia that is completely drunk as fuck and it completely or mostly false.
This was something I found while looking a list of Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog episodes.
While looking at a list of AOSTH episodes, I found this:
*0 / 12 November 1987-5 December 1992 "Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Pilot Episode" Milton Knight
Sonic is the number one's favourite hedgehog in the planet mobius. He is the number one video game character ever as he saves the day of planet mobius.
Sonic Sez segment: Don't cross the streets looking both ways first
*1 / 23 "Heads Up Sonic!" Bruce Shelly & Reed Shelly
Pilot episode. Sonic gives Tails a full tilt when Scratch falls into a floodway, Sonic rescues him and speeds off.
Sonic Sez segment: Don't drown in rushing waters.
*2 / 9 "Your Stuck Tails!" Robert Askin
When Sonic is in the hopsital after he is severly injured, Tails trys to run but gets his foot stuck on gum after he steps on it, he frees his foot himself. Sonic Sez segment: Don't touch sticky gum, You'll never know what happens.
The way Scratch holds a sign which says "Help" is a reference to the Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner.
*3 / 8 "Reference of the Missing Sonic" Bruce Shelly & Reed Shelly
Cocounts kidnaps Sonic and it's up to Tails to stop him, Meanwhile. Robotnik creates a device that can spill water everywhere.
Sonic Sez segment: No References and Kidnapping, It's illegal.
*4 / 17 "Red Wireless 600" Jack Hanrahan & Eleanor Burian-Mohr
Sonic and Tails enter a NASCAR race to win 21,000 dollars to save a city as Robotnik threatens to shut it down.
-Damn Wikipedia drunk.
A person who jumps in on forums who has little meaningful understanding of the topic being discussed and quickly educates themselves via Wikipedia.com. Usually, but not always, these individuals post "points" for debate in the same order as they appear on Wikipedia (a dead give away).
Person 1: Wow! Joe Shmoe sure knows a lot about XYZ...
Person 2: If you look it up on Wikipedia it is even in the order XYZ, just another wikipedia scholar; no real knowledge, thoughts or opinions of their own...
Person 1: I didn't realize so and so knew so much about string theory.
Person 2: Yeah, he likes impressing people with his education as a Wikipedia Scholar.
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A Walking Wikipedia is someone who appears to have more definitions inside them than the famous online dictionary. They will bring up nuggets of amazing information, usually totally irrelevant to the conversation and totally pointless. They are generally admired by people for their knowledge of pointless facts.
Guy 1: 'So did we have any English homework?'
Guy 2: 'I think so, yeah'
Guy 3: 'Did you know that a pig's orgasm lasts for 30 minutes?'
Guy 1: 'Alright you walking wikipedia, thank you but i'm a little busy right now'
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When one has no knowledge over a certain subject and or has some school related material to finish, but was either too lazy to read the required material or just plain fucking stupid; so they proceed to gain their half-ass knowledge from said site.
Example 1
Guy #1: Dude I have to write a 4 pg paper on Nietzsche and I have no idea who the fuck he is.
Guy #2: Wikipedia that hoe!
Example 2
Guy #1: Did you hear that David Carradine died from auto-erotic asphyxiation?
Guy #2: Man that sucks....wait whats auto-erotic asphyxiation!? I know I'll just Wikipedia that hoe!
Example #3
Guy #1: Can a guy get pregnant by retrograde ejaculation?
Guy #2: Dude what the fuck is wrong with you...let's Wikipedia that hoe!
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one whose vast amount of knowledge, information, and trivia is gained primarily through wikipedia articles.
You know, Einstein was said to have watched his best friend drown when he was young just to see what it was like." "How do you know that?" "Oh, I'm a wikipedia intellectual.
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Someone who comes with a ton of information about an item, object, person or anything in existence even though said information was not asked for.
Person A: Wow, that's one hell of a gun
Person B: It's a Beretta M 1951; a 9 mm semi-auto gun. It was developed somewhere between the '40s and the '50s and....
Person A: Thanks Captain Wikipedia
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