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He Xinlong

A talented,handsome,cute,adorable,fashionable,awesome,cool,funny
Basically perfect boy that can probably make a girl faint by just looking at her

He ain’t on that He Xinlong level, thankyou next

by Crybaby.lia September 6, 2020

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A "mo-hawk" hair style worn by a male or female from the south; typicaly referred to as rednecks. Individuals generally reside in or near a trailer park.

Most identifiable characteristics are; Mid-80's truck with body lift kit, rifle rack, Budweiser t-shirt, rebel flag tattoo, noticable lack of proper dental care, affinity for Sun Drop canned beverage, chronologicaly seperated from most family members by minimum biological requirements (mother=13/14 years older, grandmother= 27/28 years older, siblings typicaly 9 months apart).

Be advised: Lack of indicators does not disqualify an individual from having a legitimate he-hawk.

As Ben left his trailer, he checked the condition of his spikey he-hawk to make sure there would be enough clearence in his Ford F100.

To cut down on grooming expenses and still be stylish, Chase shaved himself a he-hawk, and used Sun Drop as a make-shift hair gel.

by joeyd1101 March 1, 2009

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


S/he: shemale or as in a question when you dont know if a person is a girl or boy.(see example)

Hey, your friend, who is s/he?

by Unsick June 29, 2008

44πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

he she or he/she or he-she

A man who dresses like a woman; usually one who can actually be mistaken as a woman. He-she's are usually one step away from gettin sex change operations.

BOB: Damn! That girl is hot!
TONY: That ain't a girl. That's a he-she!

by Nasty Nate June 23, 2003

53πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž

if he dies, he dies

Said between women when talking about riding men or face riding. Aka don't worry about crushing him

"I'm too big to get on top,"
"Fuck that, if he dies, he dies!"

by Ms.Mcfuckery June 7, 2021

4πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

he's done

A exclamation of excitement, usually used when someone makes a joke about another person or their mother. This is only used if the joke is funny.

Shaina: dude me and Jonny are such good friends!

Evan: ya tighter that shaina's v****a!

Jonny: HE'S DONE!

(High five motion between Evan and Jonny)

by J-crou March 9, 2011

7πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

is he canadian

a white persons way of calling a black person the N-Word on the downlow

She's dating a new guy. "Is he Canadian" (Meaning is he Black)

by dolfan1972 February 16, 2014

16πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž