School in dubai with the hottest boys
Boy: omg look its a hot boy in dubai college
Hot boy: smiles
Boy: omg senpai noticed me
The school of idiots, all the teachers think they're the most important teacher and think they're over the college campus. You have no rights as a Sophomore because the idiot Sophomores last year abused their power. One teacher will tell you one thing and the other teacher will tell you something completely different and its both about the same thing. Teachers dont talk amongst wach other and dont even have the braincells to even come up with a univeral answer. The teacher arw like little devils because they will write you up for being in the cafeteria after 10:30 when at the beginning of the year they said you can after morning classes. We have balding middle agged men and women who think theyre the overlord of the school. Students are special as hell and are racist. The whole school are the copy-cats with their "houses", basically a rip of Hogwarts they use to do things every Wednesday.
Guy1: Remember when our friend studied at the Rowan County Early College ?
Guy2: Yeah?
Guy1: He is now wanted for aggravated assault
School where a bunch of scrawny fags and wanna be hoodlums who vape go to.
Person 1: "Padua College is a shithole."
Person 2: "Yes it is."
A private liberal arts school in Los Angeles. A place where overprivileged white preps pretend to be quirky and leftist while their parents pay for their $80,000/year bill. Preaches equity and diversity while being one of the most expensive colleges in America and failing to provide any support for the few students of color.
The University of Spoiled Children? That's Occidental College.
Ted has a 4.0 GPA and comes from a family in the bottom 50% of income earners. Instead of giving Ted a scholarship, Occidental told him to "Go fuck yourself".
A school in des plaines, lots of faggots but the chicken pesto slaps hard broski. Also a math professor here doesn't speak english bruh. a lotta fat ppl also
lots of jews and lots of muslims so it's kinda fun to watch them fight over palestine. tree hugger teacher in the humanities department. He thinks rivers are people.
They have a lake u can fish but people are too much of fags to do it
one chick that looks like dora that hits on every guy at school
Guy one (that's probably a tranny): I go to oakton community college
sucks to suck
Oakton Community College is a community college located in Des Plaines, Illinois, right on the Des Plaines River.
Oakton is a physically small school, the building being mostly one long hallway. The classes are organized so basically anyone can pass, and you won't learn a single thing here.
There's also a disproportionate amount of weiiiiiird people here. They also have tampons in all the men's restrooms. The vending machines have frozen hot pockets though. Hot chicks are few and far between. Also everyone's fat, almost nobody rides a bike.
Guy dylan: Yo, I go to Oakton Community College!!
Gal Sasha: I'm sorry for your loss
“Watch out at Fanshawe College, people are home wreckers”