Jesus Christ’s middle name. Some say it’s “Harold” or “Holy” but it is yet to be confirmed. Also used as a phrase to express unsettlement.
1) Let’s pray to our lord and saviour baby Jesus H Christ!
2) *guy stubs toe* JESUS H CHRIST!
See "JesusFuckingChrist" definition
Jesus Effing Christ-
Unlike the expletive, "JesusFuckingChrist", "JesusEffingChrist" is a PG-13 or a PG-rated version. Rules follow below
{Article 1, REV 4} Any teen through adult is permitted to utter this phrase safety without guidance from an adult or fear of being damned to hell for eternity.
{Article 2.} Any pre-teen absolutely needs to gain permission and guidance from a parent or guardian. (Eternal Hellfire is not reserved exclusively for adults. God will burn babies forever if rules are not followed) See Samaria vs. God. Bible verse HOSEA 13:16 KJV.
Those really urgent bathroom trips where your stomach is cramping the whole time and it won’t stop coming out, so you literally pray to Jesus
Bruh, I just had one of those pray to Jesus shits
A handsome man that is suspicious
Zaddy Jesus Is sus while playing among us
When your mates are losing so hard in trivia you do a shoey with sardines and beer to get back up to scratch
Cheers youngy
Boys were getting fucked up so I had to pull out The Baby-Jesus Effect
A Girl Scout that try's to sell cookies... and try’s to sell you a religion because surprise they are also a Jehovah’s witness
Jesus Girl Scout:“I would like to sell you cookies... and a spot in heaven!”
Person: “Go away you stupid Jesus Girl Scout”
Jackoff with Jesus during January at anytime
“Hey man it’s Jackoff with Jesus January you know”