When you eat so many muffins you want to die.
My brother recently died due to muffin madness
Term of affection for a person that has a sweet personality with an ass to match.
Morning my little anus muffin!
A horny milf, that has a gunt, and is trying to score drugs or cock, or both.
Oh my shit, that Tart-Muffin is relentless, she won't lea e those poor guys alone! Fuck8ng Tart-muffin!
A very loud female kidney stone or a solid yeast infection.
The doctor frowned when my squeecher muffin fell out.
When someone’s cheeks are essentially getting clapped so hard it starts to get hot and red like a muffin getting cooked in the oven
Dude your girls cheeks look like muffins getting a cooking after that sex
An Individual who often zylches for or with another individual, typically for sexual pleasure for either one or both parties.
You are my little Zylch Muffin
I love all my Zylch Muffins
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SEXY LITTLE MUFFIN / adjective / sek-see lit-ell muff-in
1. A woman that is extremely sexually appealing, exciting or attractive, small in size with an amazing body.
2. A small, attractive woman with a yummy body who is extremely sexy and skilled in giving erotic pleasure.
3. A woman of extreme sexual beauty that is sensual and most erotic, having a tight sexy body and a beautiful appearance.
She is a Sexy Little Muffin / You are a Sexy Little Muffin
The first time I saw her I thought "now there's a Sexy Little Muffin"
You are a beautiful Sexy Little Muffin