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sneaky nugget

A game played by a group of scouts in Tasmania where you sneak a piece of real poop into an unexpected place. For example you reach your hand into the bag of potato chips and you pull out an unpleasant surprise.

Have you ever played Sneaky Nugget? Take a dump, save it and slip it into your friends sleeping bag for a surprise when he turns in.

by Jawny B. March 19, 2016

Double Nugget

When you turn someones bag inside out 'nugget' then you poo inside their bag, making it a 'double nugget'

Oi bro I just double nuggeted aiden berenger's bag. lol

by poolips101 September 7, 2017

Double nugget

When a lady has a nice and plump set of coochie lips.

Yo , have you seen Ashley’s double nugget in those tik tok shorts? It was nice as fuck!

by J the creator September 2, 2023

Gold Nugget

A gold digger who has amputated arms and/or legs .

Look at that gold nugget over there.

by GreaterJeans83 October 20, 2018

Fuck nugget

A word which describes one who is either incredibly annoying, dumb, a dip shit or really just a dickhead. It can also be used as a term of endearment if the people using it hate each other in a special kind of way.

Fuck wit 1: she is such a terd, she told me to shut up.
Fuck wit 2: yeah she's a little fuck nugget.

by Isucurballs...¿ October 30, 2020

Fuck nugget

The little nugget of poo that comes out when you are being fucked too hard.

Person 1: what the fuck is that?
Person 2: oh that's just a fuck nugget, you fucked me to hard. ;)

by AMinorHeadache June 7, 2020

fuck nugget

a cringey person who tries to act like theyre kool

Brooooo did u see that fuck nugget over there
Omg dis fuck nugget

by lyssabich April 23, 2019