John Paul Jones is the best mecha tree waifu magical girl from anime who’s also a stalker yandere tsundere kidnapper
It's John Paul Jones
When someone in a frat usually by the name Paul fills a solo cup about halfway with alcohol approximately equivalent to 4 regular Shots and takes it all in one Swig
John: Looks like he’s taking a Paul Shot again
Marissa: How does he always do this LMAO
Another word for Pot. Taken from the actor Paul Newman, just switched to Paul "Dew"man
Guy 1-hey is Paul Dewman around?
guy 2- yeah but its 20 bucks to see him
A well known gay couple. The two started by holding hands in secret and quickly made the jump to vicious public anal sex. Paul is the female of the relationship and Anthony, being the Alpha, often walks Paul around on a leash.
Paul: Hey Anthony what did you want to eat for dinner?
Anthony: I'd love a hefty serving of your scrumptious ass.
Paul: Oh Honey! You know how to make me happy!
*Paul and Anthony proceeded to kiss each other's bodies from head to toe.
That one guy named Paul who has extreme good luck and will merk a jerk if he is pissed off enough Paul off the wall has saved 99 lives but a hoe ain’t one Paul has a good group of friends and is funny a’f
Paul off the wall a four leaf clover
Oom paul is a guy that is kak snaaks. He know how to brighten up your day when you are sad. He does not feel a poes what people think about him. He is a superhero and helps you if you need toe tie your shoes. He lives in a very scruffy plek but that is ok because we love oom paul for the person that he is.
Look there goes oom paul. He is pies cool
a yr 11 coordinator who teaches at east doncaster secondary college short as edsc, likes to roasts ppl and calls ppl's full name when they're having class
students having class
Paul Basford walks into class without knocking, yells out student's full name
new yr 11: bro why didn't he knock and just call out my first name
yr 11 at edsc: yh right he is Paul Basford