The word stupid defines all of us.Sorry but its true.
other:spells does wrong-
(Stupid) is when u slow don't know not a thing like some people they slow cause they always copping off of people paper start learning your own way and be smart
People who cannot comprehend simple things
You: *Tells someone something mindblowing*
Nyla: No way. That never happened
You: *Shows Proof*
Nyla: that means nothing
You: You are so stupid
Kid: Hey your stupid!
Guy: At least I’m not as stupid as you!
A kid name Dylan will get triggerd even though you weren't talking to him and assumed you were trying to give a friend the wrong answer even though you were right all along.
ME: it's that's one *explains why*
Dylan: no it's that one
( don't remember what happen but It lead up to Dylan saying)
Dylan: who's wrong
Me: .......
Teacher: *Comes over to see whose right*
Teacher: Dylan your wrong Me is right
Me: stupids