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Toes are apart of the human body, specifically the feet.

Partheev's Toes are very crusty

by Vinlin July 31, 2022


Toes are thing you suck on. 👹👹

Dude those toes are scrumdiddlyumptious!”

by yass_queen April 17, 2022


ugly shits on your feet, also the most broken and cursed part of your body

Lemme suck on them toes baby girl

by systematic phibrosis January 9, 2019


Not safe that's all you need to know

"You should use code tsm_daequan in the fortnite item shop to keep your toes safe."

by ThatPhantomGuy January 18, 2019


Toes are the digits (fingers) of the foot of a tetrapod. Animal species such as cats that walk on their toes are described as being digitigrade. Humans, and other animals that walk on the soles of their feet, are described as being plantigrade; unguligrade animals are those that walk on hooves at the tips of their toes.

Send Toes.

by Α March 9, 2022


those crusty dusty musty sexy wexy shrexy things at the end of YO feet that your ex sucks on while she slaps your balls

i be sucking hot shrek toes all day

by totally_not._.me :( February 26, 2023


Toes to refer to your feets and or 304


I got 50 toes finna hit the blade

by MANICDOITUP February 23, 2025