National give your
Oldest daughter what ever she wants day
Daughter:hey mom and stepdad
Parents:hi what’s up
Daughter:it is December 10th
Parents:damm it
Kiss you're crush/bf/gf and tell them they are amazing
Gimme a kiss
No why
Its December 10th
December 10 is the nationally say yes to whoever asks you to prom day. If someone asks you to prom December 10 you have to yes, whoever it is.
Weird guy: Do you want to be my date to prom?
Hot Girl: What gets you to think I would say yes?
Weird guy: It is December 10 the nationally say yes to whoever asks you to prom day
Hot Girl: fu*k!
my birthday, also known as well as national fuck you day
person: what day is it?
me: December 10
person: happy birthday !!
me: fuck you
The definition of December 10th is to not like any celebrity’s post.
Since December 9 is national ask out your crush day,if it doesn’t work out don’t worry today is national rejection day
Friend:your crush said no when you asked him out?
Me:don’t worry December 10 is national rejection day so I’ll fit right in!
National expose shitty people day. It’s not official, but they need to grow the fuck up and who better than you to expose them.
December 10 is expose shitty people day so I exposed my toxic ass ex