a person with a dick longer than drake and smashes more mums a day then days in a year and everyone likes him. and is the best at every sport
i got railed by ethan and i loved it
Ethan is a very weird person that tends to have a couple of friends. He is usually self centered and has a sense of humor that some people might not get. Ethan plays waterpolo, basketball, and/or baseball and flexes on his AirPods. Having Ethan as a friend is not the best idea, nor the worst. He tends to joke around and will sometimes have your back. The only thing he is compassionate to is his dog. Most Ethan’s are chatty and are somewhat smart, exceeding standard math curriculums.
Ethan flexes on his AirPods 24/7.
Extremely cool kid, ask Kallum, he always tells Ethan that he's a cool kid. This kid is a little special but a complete chick magnet, I mean Ava said no but... still.
Oh wow Ethan, you're such a cool kid.
Ethan is a loser that doesn’t go outside, doesn’t go to school, doesn’t listen to anyone, and has a hot sister
Do you know ethan.
Yeah that kid is a real loser
A short blonde miniature boy who likes groaping the Pope. Likes his dog’s dick, because his is what most consider , microphallis