When creame of wheat or oat meal sits in a bowl for too long, and becomes molded to the bowl. When you finally take the product out of the bowl, you should have one solid mold of the bowl that you put it in.
Jason didn't eat his oat meal for several hours, and while cleaning his dishes he stumbled upon a full bowl mold. He threw it at Brandon as a practical joke.
When you fuckin for the full 3 hours 58 minutes of the movie Gone With the Wind
"Hey babe wanna go for the full wind tonight"
"Frankly dear i don't give a damn"
A Full Richter is when you cum inside someone and then IMMEDIATELY arrest them. Based on the lead character (and sex symbol) Special Agent Daniel Richter of the popular streaming crime series "The Oath" (2021).
I took this girl out last night and when she was a real freak. When she told me her darkest fantasies I knew I had to give her the FULL RICHTER.
When someone holding the meme coin you bought just dumps the whole chart and you are all fuxed.
The dev just went Full Stack Hitler on us.
The amount of money owed to you, by a friend or acquaintance.
“ I was going to give you a discount but since you got an attitude, you owe the full banana.“
someone who is fully crying, happily. or sadly.
"man im full cry rn."
"Damn, dont."
A high-speed, jet-powered contraption resembling a fighter plane, whimsically imagined as a "global engine" (a fantastical, all-encompassing power source) navigating a wind tunnel filled with gusts of flatulent air. This playful term evokes the image of a supercharged vehicle testing its aerodynamics in a comically challenging environment.
After a week of testing, the engineers finally released the global engine fighter in a tunnel full of windy farts, sending it zooming through the air with a trail of giggles behind it.