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Reap over

When such an amount of people die that the bodies need to be contained in mass graves, a group of 4 of these graves is called a reap over

“Grim was having trouble meeting satan’s New quota, so he enforced Reap overs for 50% of Europe with his new ‘plague helpers’”

by Handof October 16, 2018


Every kids Hairstyle in 2016

The comb-over was the best hairstyle in 2016

by NorthBoy99 December 31, 2025

flies all over me

When a crazy librarian gets angry and says what you’ve done makes her angry.

Man, that person not doing their job really flies all over me!

by SumoOrange February 13, 2018

over the counter baby

A over the counter baby is given if you go to the doctor for your loneliness, and you are prescribed with 1 prescription of baby

Linda: I was felling lonely, so I went and got some over the counter baby
Vanessa: cool

by Boi_person May 22, 2016

gallon of water over you

To be one step ahead or one level above someone

Guy 1: I just got a B+ on the test
Guy 2: I got an A+, I got a gallon of water over you
Guy 1: You still ugly though

by A jar of red pickles March 18, 2024

Going over the Lord's Strawberries

When you cry while blushing at the same time.

My feelings were so intense for this girl, so I started crying, but I wasn't embarrassed. I was just going over the lord's strawberries.

by DreamSlang November 6, 2023

Tits over Toenails

Am imaginary Australian military saying for standing up straight or at attention or in a state of preparedness


Wake up lads! Tits over Toenails! The major will be here for inspection in 15 minutes.

by Corncakes December 26, 2024