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A word that should be banned.

Person: You are such a retard!
Person 2: Shut up idiot

by A_Stressed_Human February 12, 2022


a retard is a person who likes kpop and watches kpop videos all day.

an example: he is a retard and he has signs of autism because he listens to kpop

by 1000volts to the nipps May 8, 2018


Mfs who are unironically posting the definition of their names in urban dictionary

"Thats literally me, I'm such a retard"

by assthinker November 24, 2021


A liberal , a democrat , green party , ndp ,labour - just various groups of brainless retards .

That retarded lefty needs a good crap kicking .

by Infadel_macgee October 11, 2019


When some one is being extra dumb

Me: I’ll go in twitter
Me: watches dumb video
Person 1 replies: retard moment
Retarded person 2: dOnT sAy R WoRd

by Bruh momento69420 September 15, 2020


Someone being extra dumb

Me: I’ll go in twitter
Me: watches dumb video
Person 1 replies: retard moment
Retarded person 2: dOnT sAy R WoRd

by Bruh momento69420 September 15, 2020


stupid and mentally handicapped, also a trigger word for kpop stans

Buddy: Dude you're fucking retarded

Retard: Did you just say the R word?

by assplower January 19, 2021