The loser of the internet with millions of 8-year old's watching him. Another word for "the scum on your shoe" or "the reason murder isn't legal but should be for certain people."
Person 1: Look, there's ______!
Person 2: I hate him, he acts like a Jake Paul.
The embodiment of cringe. He's a Youtuber that somehow still makes videos. Legends say that all his subscribers are children or retarded adults.
Ugh. Jake Paul. I cringe at his name.
A handsome man who is happily married and makes dobe content and his songs are better than ricegums songs.DISS.
Person1:Why are you so happy
Person2:I watched jake Paul’s vlog
Person 1- DId you hear about Jake paul?
Person 2- Yeah I did hes a pussy who can fight.
a clickbaitin mudda fudda who does not deserve a mansion
this jake paul is in between my teeth