A support group for incels suffering from microphallus
He posts as Dilley Meme Team while his mom is on dates with his “uncles” and his dad is at work.
West end cnauld wae fuck aw else apart fae shop n Indian (bangn rate it) but fuck aw else git links w aw schemes apart fae mburn nd ybt fuck them oh can't forget sooside cumbie long story troopers
aw let's bounce up real quick fuck sake patch it there's the westy fleet (westfield young team)
Man, why are y’all orange like that. You guys look like Donald trump. Stop “bullying” people, it comes off really cringey and annoying. Y’all have some of the biggest egos at the school. You’re not valid just because you know how to do a back tuck and wave some pom poms around during football season. A lot of yall are weird and mad ugly. Adyson
Carmel catholic cheer team members look like a bunch of mini trumps in a sparkly costume doing summersaults who can’t stop talking
Team RD is one of the most poppin teams in queenz ny
A team is a group of ppl who throw partys host partyz && etc
Yo team rd throws the best parties
When the team spends a week team building and then finds out they are switching to another team and instead of saying "What the fuck".
I can't believe we have been agile training all week and then they go and change the teams, there goes Team-raudery!
When team members are chutiya and leaders doesn't share any of the update and idea with team they practice gandu team actions (GTA)
Hey you are doing gandu team actions GTA.