In VRChat there are a bunch of Ugandan Knuckles and Sonic's running around asking people if they: "know de wai?". Any anime girl in the game can be known as the tribes "Queen". If said girl does not cooperate she is known as a "Fake Queen" and promptly spat on.
Ugandan Knuckles: "Do U KnOw De wAi?"
Random Anime Girl: "um"
Ugandan Knuckles: "My BroDdAs We hAVe FoUnD De KwEeN *tongue clicks* *tongue clicks* *tongue clicks*"
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A traditional Mexican play that celebrates that one victory mexico had in the Spanish-American War.
Usually interpreted through flamenco
Often includes chickens, tequila and lawn mowers
Cinco de mayo vs. Fourth of july
Jeff: wouldn't it be awesome if cinco de mayo and fourth of july fought?
World: yeah!
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A small and mid high school in Petaluma. Every year they change the entire school system so most of the faculty and staff are just as confused on wtf is going on as the students. They also got some bullshit that 99% of schools don’t got called “learning defenses”, which none of the students actually support. The students always be bitchin abt the system and talk abt how they finna leave the school but they never do. The administration also likes to say that high school is what the students make it, and that they got a choice and shit. If that were true there would be no strict ass dress code, having us look like some walking advertisements for our school.
What’s the first thing you do at St Vincent de Paul High School ?
“you are my bitch” in mandarin
One of the best unbeatable comebacks to anything. Also can be used to shut someone up who is talking shit or just is being annoying. Most effectively used is rapid succession.
Some nerd probably named Travis: “Bro, stop slapping my ass unconsensually, that is really gay and I don’t like men.”
“Nǐ shì wǒ de biǎo zi! Nǐ shì wǒ de biǎo zi! Nǐ shì wǒ de biǎo zi! Nǐ shì wǒ de biǎo zi!”
It's the most facts ever spoken and just means that if you don't have a lot of money you are boring
- Hello butler Charles how are you today?
- I am very good thnk you, I just saw someone drive an Audi
- ahahahah "de fattige er sku så kedelige"
I feel like coupa de li - a phrase commonly used at events where one may feel hyper or feel the need to annoy their best friends while walking around for 3 hours
There’s the boys ! I feel like coupa de li
a cringey quote that is used by 12 year olds who claim to be in the Ugandan knuckles tribe. these 12 year olds are often named rocy
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