Source Code

Breathing burning trees

Suffering because of someone else's actions. can also be used in past and present tense

"My boss gets on my nerves! Guess I'm stuck breathing burning trees until I get out of this job".

by CaptainHotPocket October 1, 2022


back in my day in veitnam there used to be people trying to snipe us in the trees


by BobDabuilda_Can_we_build_it May 29, 2021

Mexican Christmas Tree

Alike the Grand Fir, Douglas Fir, Blue Spruce, the Mexican Christmas Tree is grown as a Commodity. However, it is not a tree at all. It is a Marijuana Plant. Mexico was/is one of the top producers of flower.

*Me watching a dispensary training video: Look at the size of that Mexican Christmas tree!

by Jesus Chrisco December 26, 2023

Mexican Christmas Tree

Marijuana plant.

Did you notice that Mexican Christmas Tree they had growing on their back patio?

by MikeInGrafton June 22, 2024

1👍 1👎

Tree Pisser

tyler Robertson

hey you know that dude who wont let his ex date other people yeah that's tyler the tree pisser.

by thetreepissereatsass123 February 28, 2018

touching the trees

When one under the influence does not want to deal with the effects of a hangover, so they rip off their shoes and socks and walk across the sun-kissed lawn (freshly cut) to touch that one tree that just seems to call out to them

“Bro it’s 4am right now, how is Jonathan not dying? Bro is touching the trees!”

by Da Chew April 4, 2024

fell out of a tree


did you fall out of a tree?

oh, i fell out of a tree *wink cackle cackle*

by J.Fink&P.Boska November 20, 2008