when someone blows air out of their nose at such a super sonic speed that a lone snotty bogey flies out of their nasal cavity. its called john lettuce because it looks like lettuce and john is a funny name.
friend: *breathes out of their nose but really hard*
me: "thats a fucking john lettuce."
Potato john is a immortal who will appear in times of crisis in various forms but always has a goatee and a curly mustache refering to himself as potato john, johnson, or johnny
If you ever meet potato john prepare for the worst
There he was, standing in the field, potato john. Staring into the distance just to disapear seconds before the earthquake hit.
An absolutely amazing guy. Clever, handsome, strong and all in all a great guy. He is an amazing sportsman, especially in football and quite outspoken. He rarely opens up and he often would show his love for you. He doesn't care what others think about him; he just gets on with life. He is a good public speaker and rarely gets nervous.
He's just too handsome.
Guitarist for Twin XL. A gay icon that drinks a lot of iced coffee. He's very energetic, probably because of all the iced coffee. Wears a lot of Vans and probably lives in a Topman store. He's a very spinny boy on stage, and on the occasion chews furiously on guitar picks. If you ever encounter a wild John Gomez, feel free to compliment his pants. He loves pants.
"That dude's come back for like 4 iced coffees, is he gonna be ok?"
"Yea, that's just John Gomez. Pretty sure he hasn't slept for like 3 days."
A John pigeon is an outback slang for the common extacy pill called don paregon.
Fuck man how many John pigeons did you have last night
A phrase used to describe someone with a Ego so big but yet they are a complete moron. Don't have such a big john leone.
He wanted to create his vison and image but he is so egotesticle and doesn't know how to do anything that everything he touches fails at some point and he pulls a John Leone
John Kingsley,a guy that is totally stunning with an undiminishing smile and has an amazing personality, every girl is attracted to him and if you are able to catch a John Kingsley they will love and care for you as well as always be there for you.
If you ever meet a John Kingsley in person, you'll realize that they are extremely gorgeous and easy to talk to and they can be funny at times but well disciplined, their voices are so melodious that's why their work with God is very unique.
Girl 1; omg your boyfriend is sooo cute.
Girl2: I know his name is John Kingsley, he has a nice smile.
Girl1: I don't think he ever gets angry.
Woman: I would want my child to be like John Kingsley, such a devoted boy with angelic voice.