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Secretly We Are Gays

-Yo dude, we're swag.

by ivancho1BG May 7, 2017


I feel very strongly about this.
swag isn't a word.
It's a lifestyle.
ok, look everything will leave you
you will be forever alone, your just an awful human being ok.
but only one thing will NEVER leave you. swag.
now if you want to commit to the swag lifestyle this is what you need to do.
1. go get some of those gusher gummies, ok bitch they change your life
2. don't let anyone stand in the way of ur swag cuz ur segsy
3. don't be afraid to swag

him: "wow ur so segsy and swag will u marry me??"

you: "no ur kinda ugly."

by March 24, 2021


Lillie James and Laila James-Curran

Omg look Lillie and Laila are so swag

by Lillie’s life June 10, 2021


Secretly We Are Gay.

They also randomly text each other the word “swag”, which, from what I understand, means..Secretly We Are Gay

by BBGURL BARBIE Q August 10, 2023


Sweaty Wet Ass Gooch

Went to the gym earlier and now I have a swag.

by A swag man March 15, 2023


S aved
W ith
A mazing
G race

Pastor: are you swag?

Ex drug addict: yeah man!!!

by jesus12 February 15, 2014


secretly we are gay

person 1: hey you know we are all swag?

person 2/3: What's swag?

person 1: secretly we are gay

by ahahahahhhhh January 6, 2021