Beat a gamer month is a month for furries who are sick of getting the shit kicked out of them. On any day of this month at any hour, minute or second, people can beat up any gamer they want and they cannot fight back.
Gamer: Hey furfag! It's beat a furry month two!
Furry: Actually. It's beat a gamer month.
haven't you checked?
Gamer: can't be..
Furry: I like it cut g.
When a person is fighting with shoes in and walk away without shoes on.
Dang they beat the shoes off that man.
October 5th is national bear off day to celebrate all the boys
“Yo tmrw Ima beat you off”
“It’s national beat off day today”
A style Brand that is a spin off of Dr. Dre’s “Beats By Dre”
Hey Dan, I see you wearing then Beats By Jmay!
Man 1: “Oh yeah, I was punching my pp hard last night
Man 2: “AHEM, don’t you mean, ‘crazy my beat?”
Typically a call to meeting to facilitate the embrrassment of one or more members of a group.
Hey can you guys pop down to Suite 1? We need to have a beat down session on some of our sales personnel for missing last year's numbers by $4.50
A father that neglects their childrn financially and emotionally, playing an insignificant or zero parental role in the childrens rearing, failing to invest time, effort, and basic vital necessities to their offspring.
After asking Susan's dead-beat father if he could help pay for her birthday party, he not only refused but he also said he already had plans on that day.