Source Code

Broad Run High School

A ghetto ass school in the richest county in America, where snobby teenagers that smoke weed and binge drink every weekend go for an education they won't even use because their parents will pay for them to live at home their whole life.

Brian: Where do you go to school?

Me: Broad Run High School

by Nastynigga25 January 6, 2014

19๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

give your ferret a run

Aussie, British, and Kiwi slang for Sex. Usually the men say it

Male: Babe, How 'bout I give your ferret a run?

by Slayer9898 February 21, 2016

3๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

you run a great business

A common turn of phrase used to desribe gentlemen running a satisfactory level of customer service and product quality in any business, often said when drunk to a kebab shop owner, a tesco employee or even a taxi driver.

Andy: *In yateley kebab house* *with beer in hand* one kebab please good sir

Ahmet (owner of best kebab yateley): coming right up sir

*within 5 minutes perfect kebab given with a smile*

Andy: cheers lads- You run a great business

by jamalshamali January 26, 2012

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Walk-Off Home Run

Leaving a fresh dump in the toilet when there is a waiting line to use the facilities at a party, sporting event or gathering. Usually accompanied by exiting the restroom with hands raised and high fives for those waiting in line.

Killer...the line was so damn long for the shitter at that hipster party I didn't have time for an upper decker so I had to go with a walk-off home run

by C. Blanche DuBois September 18, 2014

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Rip N Run

A noun that originates from Gig Harbor, Washington. It's used when a couple of teenagers get together and have a smoking session resulting in a large amount of munchies and absolutely no idea what food you want from where.

Ian: hey, you wanna smoke some pot?
Aubrey: yeah. Let's go.

17 minutes later

Ian: oh I am hungry as shit. Let's go on a Rip N Run.

by Hunter Salsa February 1, 2010

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Run While You Can

Meme used by thousands of people.

Generally used in IRC chat rooms.

Can be used in conjunction with It's a trap.

Person1: Open the door.

by xFreedomx December 12, 2008

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Walk Off Home Run

A situation where, while having sex, a man elects to pull out and ejaculate on a woman's chest. This event is immediately followed by the man leaving the room having said nothing else to the woman. It is often the case that the man does not even get dressed before leaving. This act is most often associated with one night stands, but has begun making its way into longer term relationships as well. Some believe this act is done to symbolize a male's dominance, while others believe that there is no symbolism involved.

Dude, I'm so bored of just shooting off. Next time I think I'm gonna hit a Walk Off Home Run on her just to change things up a little bit. I think she'll appreciate it.

Dude, remember that girl that we saw last night that looked like Katie Perry? Well, I totally jacked a Walk Off Home Run on her last night! She won't be forgetting me anytime soon.

by TroubleMaker002 May 25, 2010

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