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Smashing it up big stevey style

On it. The "it" term could be anything.

1) Greg: You coming out tonight for some cheeky beers?

Jess: Yeah, im smashing it up big stevey style!

2) Dave: You seen that hot chick over there?

Doug: Yeah, i reckon by the end of the night i'll be smashing it up big stevey style with her!

by Spruce Moose January 31, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

New York Style Pizza

So-called โ€œfoodโ€ that tastes even worse than dog feces coated with human blood.

Chicago Style Pizza OWNS New York Style Pizza!

by Santa Claus. April 20, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eight year old boy style

Pulling your pants down to your ankles and resting both hands on your hips while urinating.

Even though I was in a big hurry to piss, I still did it eight year old boy style.

by Bird Dogg February 22, 2008

11๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

go directly, monopoly style

exactly what it means. go directly and efficiently about your business, without attracting attention.

go directly, monopoly style, about your business without bullshitting anyone; do not pass go, and do not collect 200 $

by Sexydimma February 2, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kawaii Guro Spooky Style

A brand new style .
Coming from the netherlands.

Its a mix of guro (horror) , Kawaii (cute) .
This style is set up by the band TsuinKoroshiNePanda.
The Kawaii-guro-spooky`s wear dresses and spooky make-up and most of the time with cute accesoires or hats or other things.

Kawaii guro spooky style : Face paint, Glitter, Kawaii stuff, Horror, Guro, Tsuinkoroshinepanda

by privateakane October 21, 2010

3๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

fatty mcbutter poopy pewp style

an enormously obese transvestite that has duckbutter seeping from the anal cavity of the rectal sphere, while staining the pants and can only be removed with Tide.

Did you see that fatty mcbutter poopy pewp style at the fair last night?!?!!?

by Big Teddy Poo December 2, 2006

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

I Dont Give a Fuck Style

A style of acting or speaking that portrays lack of interest or caring. Doing the anything without fear of consequence or reprocussion. Really you can do anything "I dont give a fuck style". Hell, im writing this definition i dont give a fuck style cuz i dont care who reads it or who it offends or who it hurts.

a) That stupid bastard Eminem raps "I dont give a fuck style" all the time

b)Damn dude! You busted that mailbox "I dont give a fuck style"!

by Russ Bus September 5, 2005

79๐Ÿ‘ 53๐Ÿ‘Ž