Source Code

texas rope swing

When you are swinging on a rope swing and it gives you rope burn in your vagina

Brittney: why do you keep grabbing your crotch

Jessica: I gave myself a Texas rope swing

by Big daddy ducanator November 20, 2016

Red Ball Texas Flyer

A moving truck operated by moving the Austin, TX-based moving company American Red Ball. A Red Ball Texas Flyer refers to a moving truck containing the possessions of someone fleeing Texas, usually a skeezy dude running from his third or fourth wife after his pissed her off one time too many.

I'm driving this Red Ball Texas Flyer to New Orleans on a half a tank of gas.

I'm skipping town tomorrow with a Red Ball Texas Flyer.

by Jilly_Bean_1522 February 18, 2022

I thought Texas was supposed to be hot

(from folklore)
when someone is glowing brighter than the sun, the sun in this galaxy gets jealous and turns off. the world remains lit by the new star's glorious rays. the only place there is detectable change is in Texas, where the temperature drops dramatically. and so everyone's all 'what I thought Texas was supposed to be hot!' as in 'a new, brighter, more powerful star has been born.'

damn juul pod, you see that shot of Mel @ her new PAYING job?? I thought Texas was supposed to be hot

by whatsawatermelon4 December 7, 2018

Centerpoint, Texas

Man this place sucks

Connor: “I live in Centerpoint, Texas.”
Literally everybody ever: “Man, that must suck.”

by Among gus April 11, 2024

Texas Jotaro

A person that has a lot of sex

That guy is such a Texas Jotaro.

by fuhrerus July 21, 2020

somerville texas school district

Somerville Texas has awful roads, Their cracked and pieces of the roads are everywhere so you have to watch where you step. The school district is pretty bad too. The area is ghetto and they conjoin the tests into a few days so we’re mentally exhausted and have no chance of doing well on them. It’s not that bad though, If you make the most of it lmao.

The Somerville texas school district is fucked!!

by _Hi_im_sienna_ February 12, 2022

Texas pee

When you pee red, usually from a urinary infection.

I just did a Texas pee should I go to the doctor?

by OilySaltine August 20, 2023