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Sending another person booty pics but not the whole thing.

Yo bro she sent me TRAPS last night..it was awesome!

by XPotassiumX March 2, 2018


Traps are like nudes on Snapchat but you have on bra,Panties,or underwear instead of streaks you would send traps for the morning or night

Person 1: Damn dude she sent you Traps

Person 2: Hell yeah dude

by PimppinTraps January 3, 2020


An outdated term in the western anime community that use to refer to male characters with strikingly feminine characteristics, either through natural andronicity or strikingly convincing crossdressing and expresses with feminine mannerisms, either as a self indulging act or accidental second nature.

The term was originally used because westerners weren't use to Japan's crossdressing subculture boom in the early 2000s, resulting in many characters striking the viewer's fancy by accident.

Modern terms are tomgirl, crossdressers or, for a broader cultured umbrellas, otokonoko.

Bridget became popular with both men and women, who both attempted to cosplay as him. As a result, this gave birth to traps that we know today.

by let me through November 24, 2022


Someone who uses their sexuality, gender, or race to try and get people in trouble or make others look down on them.

Joey: "Hannah can you please stop talking for a minute"
Hannah: "Is it because I am a Person of color"
Joey: "No what the fuck you on about"
Hannah: "Oh so you are saying its because I am trans"
Joey: "Stfu you trap"

by notnotnotnot July 30, 2021


That girl you sent a dick pic to and she sent one back

person: Yo I was home with this girl and showed her my dick
person 2: What happened after that?
person: She showed me hers

person 2: Oh no a trap

by 16 Bit Ducc March 27, 2021


A place of residence typically housing low income families and people on welfare. In upstate New York these places are commonly found in more suburban or town areas with a higher population density than the surrounding countryside.

Ayo John you get to see lil shorty yesterday?

Yeah but she didn’t have enough money for gas so I had to pick her ass up. She lives over at that trap house on broadway

by The New York hillbilly February 3, 2023


For example, you go up to the roof where it is silent and then you get trapped.

OH GOD ITS A SEX TRAP! STOP IT! moaned Jerry as he was stuck.

by CupcakKesVaygania September 18, 2020