A Two-legged twatwaffle is a stupid bar skank with a std
Yo Bro, look at this chick i picked up
Dude! Brad thats a two-legged twatwaffle
Next morning: Brad "why does it burn when i pee"
to excessively pout, be sad, extremely upset, or to give a pitiful look at someone
my wife was baby legging at me last night because I didn't pick up extra fries for her.
the dogs are baby legging because I didn't give them any snacks today
The most disgusting, vile, itchy thing in the entire universe.
Wow, your leg is so gross it looks like Josh's leg.
The posture assumed by one who is very intoxicated - but not quite stumble-drunk.
Sarah - How long has Mike been at the bar?
Joe - I'm not sure, but he's been doing the left-leg-lean for about an hour now.
Definition of the town slapper who loves a good shag. Knickers sliding up & down like a thermometer.
"Here mate have you seen her over there?"
"Aye avoid her pal it's lurpack legs she will eat you alive"
Legs at the bottom of my chair. Also arm rests are just chairs for your arms.