Only use this if u really just want to destroy ur ememys soul and entire existence
Jack: God you 're so annoying and cringy Bill :* Idiot He has fallen into my trap retard*Oh ya well i didnt wanna say this but u leave me w no choice *Stands on table and goes super saiyn* NO U!!!!!!!!! Jack : * falles down and kills himself so he doesnt have to feel the pain*
A horrible way of taking insults. It was used mainly when insulted, you'd just reverse it back to them.
This is a term only used by pilgrims, honestly annoying when told. No effort, no spice, no anything. Boring and most importantly, no one cares.
"Oi, Gerald you look like an oompa loompa."
"No u"
The ultimate comeback line. Say this one and you will win any argument.
Unless they reply with no u.
the ultimate come back to the infamous "ur mom gay"
James: hey Noah guess what?
Noah: what?
James: ur mom gay.
Noah: no u
James : *disintegrates*
The ultimate trap card in an argument.It can be used to deflect the most powerful sentence,you mom gay lol.
Trust us,this will wreck the living hell out of your opponent
Richard:Your mom gay lol
Jonathan:No u
Richard:*Teleports to another dimension*