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Cool beans but cooler because the beans part is capitalized. <- what people thinks

Sarcastic way of saying cool beans. You don't mean it. Or you don't believe it. <- Real definition

Some dude: When I was two, I could cook pasta.
You: Cool BEANS! I never known you were that smart. And I never knew you could bear extreme heat.

Some dudette: I'm hot.
(The single) You: Cool BEANS! Guess what? I have a boyfriend/girlfriend!

by Weirdo007Agent March 29, 2022


1. A way of sarcastically saying goodbye.

2. A response for when someone says something unbelievable. (More accent is used on "cool")

3. A way of saying you're going to ignore someone.

The louder you say it the better.

Person A:"Hey I'll see you tomorrow."
Person B:"Whatever, cool-later."

Person A:"Jason had sex with five chicks last night!"
Person B:"Coooool-later..."

"Pssh, I gave that biatch the old Cool Later."

by Solidus55 June 3, 2009

E.L. Cool

Brother of E.U Freeze.

Cross refrence D.C. Go GO scene, hip hop, chocolate city.

E. U. Freezee Y'all Yall ysll....Is E.L Cool in the Place? Your wanted in the bathroom...

by Bob Diddicty August 2, 2003

Sendhil's Coolness


"anything urban dictionary says deserves to go in the garbage (even if its true)" INCLUDING Sendhil's Coolness
-Seny 9 #3542

by big man jr November 22, 2020

Sendhil's Coolness

anything urban dictionary says deserves to go in the garbage (even if its true)

anything urban dictionary says deserves to go in the garbage (even if its true) Sendhil's Coolness included

by big man jr November 22, 2020

cool dude

someone who drinks Bindu Fizz Jeera Masala

Raghav is a cool dude. He epitomises everything cool.

by KaranUnited93 April 12, 2023

cool dude

Person who doesnt fucking obsess over it when they get more than 20 likes on an Instagram comment like charlie.
a cool dude is someone like brenden who gets 50000 likes on something eeeven tho hes not a well known guy alright but hes still cool and fit along with his friend dan xx

Person 1 : "Wow Brenden is a really cool dude"

Person 2 : "Unlike that fatty charlie"

Person 1 :" I also think that dan is a pretty cool dude aswell"

by Lol2169 July 2, 2018