The strange one that wears camoflage pants and hangs out around otherwise happy or peaceful people barking at them all day.
Not even Santa Claus or the parrot lady caught a break this Christmas, they both got dragged from the public square and arrested.
The kind of person that thinks other people will think she is funny or likeable even after having her husband killed (though she didn't have the balls to do it herself) by placing a parrot on her shoulder.
The parrot lady was the worst kind of weak person, the kind that would have somebody killed to prove she wasn't a weak person. That's worse than stabbing somebody numerous times like Ezra McCanless did to prove she wasn't a weak person, though any weak person that would kill to prove that he/she wasn't a weak person is the worst kind of weak person. If only the weak males didn't get most of the spotlight, the rest of us could give credit to all weak people equally instead of just half, once the rest of us no longer feel too intimidated by females to say the bad things about them that they would be quick to say about males to insult or disrespect them.
A happy, active, outgoing, fun, exciting soul on the surface and a grouch that would try to walk over anybody she thought of as being in her way beneath the surface.
Patrizia Reggiani, the parrot lady, was only a happy free spirit when everyone was looking, but nobody was really watching. It's the shallow manipulators you watch though, they are the real grouches and cynics beneath the surface.
A abnormal rain that happens in Kepong but not in Desa Parkcity.
It's raining cat and lady again!
A little bit more then a fuck buddy but not a girlfriend.
My moonlit lady baked me a birthday cake
A kind of human/animal hybrid that on certain nights is known to hunt hounds and get hunted by rabbits, usually when a river reverses its flow.
The fox lady had a high pitched bark that sounded a little bit like a yelp. Her pelt was worth a lot of money in the wrong hands.
A woman who only drinks WDK daily. Always pops over the fence and always has a fag in her mouth also see under Fence lady
The main name is Tanya but more Tarnya
Oh look here is flap lady coming
Oh god not Taryna