Source Code

March 24

national give your bf head day

randomly start giving your bf head on march 24

by unknown person202 March 24, 2023

Nazi March

The Nazi March also know as walking toe touch (franatien walk/toy soldiers) is a cardiovasculer excercise where one would walk in a straight line, raising one leg at a time keeping it straight and touching it with the opposite hand while tightening the abs, repeating this process.

"Mr. Brown says we're doing cardio today, so we're gonna be doing the Nazi March"

"Man, I hate the Nazi March!"

by InSaNiTy4eVeR November 29, 2020

when the santas go marching in

a march

when the santas go marching in

by xdr5t3evq3q November 15, 2023

march 6

slap samanyu day
a day to slap samanyu <3

omg it's March 6!
you know what you have to do.....
time to slap samanyu :)

by zaddypoo6927 November 23, 2021

march 6

people that like men are born this day

no wonder he’s kissing 3 men he’s born on march 6

by poobear4life January 19, 2022

March 6

The day means to expose ur fav rappers

Maria-today is March 6
Maria- it’s ur fav rapper exposing day
Jay-ohh shoo I forgat
Maria-lemme expose this nigga real quick 🤣

by 🐍😉 February 17, 2021

march 6

national babysit with your girlfriend day!

hey! will you babysit with me?
yeah ofc it’s march 6th!!!

by lalapes March 5, 2021