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Kanye West

a fatass who’s raps sound like he downed a fucking chug jug of cocaine before rapping and saying shit that sounds like “drugs drugs, pull bitches, pew pew gun, oh no cops, run run run”
practically the worst rapper in history and anyone who likes his raps are racist shits who will have no future at all besides thinking they’ll get out of the hood.

Producers: “Okay Kanye just say some random shit whilst we throw in some copyrighted trap music I found off YouTube. go!
Kanye West : “I love me-“

by Zestied December 18, 2023

Kanye West

This nigga is god

Mane he Kanye West”

by babaji 900 September 21, 2023

3👍 2👎

Kanye West

The Best Musician of all time fr

Who's the best musician of all time?
Kanye West

by brokephibroke January 23, 2024

Kanye West

A pick-me girl/boy/whatever who, instead of obsessing to the point of demeaning others to gain a member of the opposite gender's attention , does the same thing over political figures

Joseph is such a Kanye West whenever we walk past the city hall

by Gremlin-chan August 4, 2023

Kanye West

An important figure in Hitler's inner circle, responsible for giving Hitler the idea of the Holocaust. He betrayed Hitler on January 27th, 1945, by helping the Soviets free Jews from the Auschwitz concentration camp after he had watched "21 Jump Street" and realized that one of the actors was Jewish. In 1947, he was extradited to the U.S. to face charges for his actions during 1939-1944. He was declared not guilty by the judge due to his actions on January 27th. In late 2022, he started to become involved in Nazi culture again before rewatching "21 Jump Street." He can now be found living out the rest of his days in Argentina.

Hitler: "Kanye West ist ein Verräter!" (translation: Kayne West is a traitor!)
Bormann: "21 Jump Street war allerdings ziemlich gut" (translation: 21 Jump Street was pretty good though)

by FunniNumber69 October 1, 2023

2👍 4👎

Kanye West

A man divorced to Kim K who made a music video of Pete Davidson (Kim’s new boyfriend) and buried him alive and cut off his head (in the video). After a failed presidential election of only 60,000 votes U.S wide, Kanye went through a mid life crisis, went crazy, changed his name to “Ye”, and got divorced, and made the ugliest shoe known to man (Adidas Yeezy 450 Resin), all in one year!

Emily: have you heard about Kanye west?
Dave: oh yeah! That mans crazy as hell
Emily: what was he suspected of doing again?
Dave: I’m not sure, just being Kanye west I guess
Emily: sus enough for me.

by Kanyewestforpresisdent2026 March 9, 2022

kanye west

We must exterminate the Jews

i luv drake

he mid kanye west better bozo

by crippled russian April 26, 2023