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an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, especially imitation

Jim:yo dude did you see that fire meme?

by 123 i gotta pee March 21, 2020


meme. (mem-aye) an ancient form of humor discovered by the teens in the year of 2017. Those who participated in the practices of “meme” would often be known to look like complete and total idiots all the time.

Megan sent me a meme the other day. I laughed. How disgusting

by Random Person 09 November 8, 2017


A post made on the Internet created by those alike one another to intentionally create a small spark of joy into those who views it

Commonly associated with depressed teens or people of young age with no hope of ever finding true happiness

You may encounter a boomer who will either pronounce it "me-me" or be completely annoyed by it and return to their daily boomer activities

The only thing saving humanity from turning on its self

14 y/o: "Dude, check out this meme."
Other 14 y/o: "Damn, bro, that shit's funny."

Boomer: "Hey look at this me-me I found on Facebook. Aren't those minions just so funny?"

by Sergeant Skumbag February 19, 2020



A funny meme

by A wooden toaster zombie November 13, 2019


She's weird, but funny. She is loved by loads, but hated by many. She prefers to stay with someone for a long time. A bit of a bitch at times but she is super sexy and intelligent but she is extremely clumsy!! she doesn't fall in love easily but when she does it lasts and she really loves them. She can make you laugh, cry and bring out the confident side of you. No one really understands her but she's still kind. You will be lucky to meet her.

Person 1: MeMe is my best friend!

Person 2: NO SHE'S MINE!

MeMe: Me, Myself and I..?

by Seriously MeMe June 12, 2020


I had word use to call people fat in ugly

You are such a meme

by jads stan June 25, 2021


1.Something funny as hell
2.a sentence

3.something a retard says

1.Hey did you see that ticketing meme today
2.”just do it🎷” “did you just use a saxophone as the bike sign

by The funny meme March 25, 2019