To be model trains for someone means to be happy about their situation. It is the opposite of being jealous or envious. If someone does better than you in a competition or such, you could feel jealous of their result, to instead be happy for them regardles of your own result would be to be model trains for them.
Wow, your house is so nice, I am model trains for you.
I wish I could travel too, but I'm model trains about your upcoming trip.
when lads take it in turns giving a female anal, the latter lads will be sturring the cum of the previous men and the females poo particles, making a gravy train.
me, Matt and Mike gave that dirty bird Lisa the Gravy Train last night.
@gdronald the gravy train incident 22/05 2022
911 is a gravy train
When you’re roommate is having sex, kick down the door and run into their room completely nude, ejaculate onto your roommate and dip
Bro remember last night when we gave Zach the gravy train that shit was hilarious
It is the combination of Ground Beef, Mashed Potatoes, and Brown Gravy. The Mashed Potatoes are grounded on the bottom as the foundation, then the Ground Beef is stacked on top of the Mashed Potatoes and topped off with a small amount of Brown Gravy. It is a tradition of Alabama, to squish a dinner roll with your palms and scoop said food combination, it makes for a delicious meal.
"Hey mom, are you making Malachi's favorite meal today?"
"Mmmmm... You did a great job on the gravy train, Mom. The Mashed potatoes taste great!
The act of gluing shreds of paper to your cock and then analy going down on your partner or significant other causing paper cuts and spilling human gravy all over your cock and re lubing it.
Yo me and my gf had a whacky and silly gravy train yesterday!
A group of 5 or more guys switch off having unprotected sex with a girl then try to find out who’s the father.
Shit man we all got drunk and and ran the fertility train through Heather.