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Nature Boner

The ability to receive an erection with natural outdoor environments such as forests and beaches as the only source of your penile arousal.

Dude this waterfall is giving me a nature boner .

by Flipstodio October 5, 2014

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Eye Boner

When you see a very attractive person that it makes you open your eyes wide open. Usually your jaw drops along with it as well.

Damn, I got an eye boner from staring at Bonquisha's ass at the club!

by Mongacarta December 29, 2010

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Phantom Boner

When the crease of a male's jeans appears to look like a boner as they sit down. One of the most annoying things experienced by man.

Betty: "Whoa, check out the size of that guy's wang!"
Sue: "Calm down, Betty, it's just a phantom boner."
Betty: "Damn!"

by The Whovian February 12, 2015

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Boner Sorcerous

A very attractive woman with the name of a witch

"Yo did you see Tabitha's outfit last night"
"Yeah, she's a total boner sorcerous"

by fucksliknik March 14, 2017

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Sun Boner

People who go outdoors when it becomes sunny and warm out (Usually standing/sitting/playing in grassy fields).

Look at all the sun boners playing corn hole and frisbee.

by bobe dole May 2, 2013

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The gay boner

When your watching a guys back arch his sexy smile, then his tight butt damn you captain america

I was watching winter soldier then I had a the gay boner (I love marvel and I'm single)

by Hekil80pplin2dayshesadoptedmvl November 14, 2018

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Dezy Boner

When you get a boner from the wall cause the wall is just so sexy you keep running into it over and over and so you 'hit it all night long'

'Friend #1':bro i got such a dezy boner last night!
'Friend #2':wtf is wrong with you. ....

by loves pizza so muchigetaboner June 1, 2015

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