New Zealand slang for huge voluptuous ass.
DAMN JOHN! look at that girl over there she has a mad batty.
What an amazing mad batty.
when a person or a situation is so ridiculous and out of place, they’re mad foo
Yo dog he’s hooked up with every girl in the school and his girl is still clueless! He mad foo!
he said: Do you honestly think you're fucking funny, fucking with my friends? Seriously, you're a fucking ugly little cunt mate, and if I ever see you i'm gunna slit your fucking face wide open yeh? You're a fucking angry little fucking spastic.
that one mad Australian guy in cod says toxic shit
A charming old chap who really likes surprising you with his charming walls
Oh no, It's mad eyes. We're dead
A charming old chap who really likes trapping you with his walls.
Oh no, It's Mad Eyes. We're dead.
A discount applied for local residents on a certain product.
Andrew: Hey Samuel, do local residents of Kangroo Island get a cheaper fair on the Sea Link Ferry?
Samuel: Yes Andrew. They get mad diskountz.