No lies, no cap, only real, real friends, real truth, real life, Real true friend. That’s mad what up
That’s mad what up bro
New Zealand slang for huge voluptuous ass.
DAMN JOHN! look at that girl over there she has a mad batty.
What an amazing mad batty.
when a person or a situation is so ridiculous and out of place, they’re mad foo
Yo dog he’s hooked up with every girl in the school and his girl is still clueless! He mad foo!
A charming old chap who really likes surprising you with his charming walls
Oh no, It's mad eyes. We're dead
A charming old chap who really likes trapping you with his walls.
Oh no, It's Mad Eyes. We're dead.
You might think im talkin bout a resource in fortnite but hell nah, im talkin bout BRICK. Not ya dick not a normal brick im talkin mad brick fam
Definition: Very cold / Cold as fuck / Cold asf
1-Yo bro its mad brick out
2-nigga just say cold
1-Nah I gotta let them know I'm from NYC