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November 28

National send a titty pic day

Damn it’s finally November 28 guess he deserves a titty pic.

by Curyy November 28, 2022

November 28

Ask ur crush out don’t be a pussy!

If u ask ur crush out on this day its a 99% chance they’ll say YES!

“Hey sienna its November 28! So… will u be mine?”
Sienna- “YESSS!”
“Omg the urban dictionary was right?!”

by localqtslag November 7, 2021

The month of November

The beggining of November marks the start of a global event called No Nut November. In order to pass this one hell of a task you shall not Nut or Cum.But few are known to have succeeded.

I hate the month of november

by M1sterSh1tter9000 November 28, 2021

November First

angsty day of where your friend would tell u to wait until november first, and then you wait all that time to dind out nothing will happen and u fell for it

Friend 1: Omg yo yo yo friend its november first whats gonna happen
Friend 2: Nothing. Its november first. If u want something to happen, make something happen yourself.

by lemonsareverysour October 27, 2022

November 8

National hookup with someone day!!! spread the news everyone!!

It’s November 8!
You know what that means, wanna hookup?

by idekwhatimdoingherepleasehelp November 8, 2019

November 8

National Hug an Exchange Student Day. On this day you’re supposed to hug all old and new exchange students you know!

Exchange student: ‘Thanks but why did you hug me?’
Friend: ‘It’s November 8!’
Exchange student: ‘Oh yeah I forgot, thanks!’

by exchangestudent0511 November 8, 2019

November 8

Nose Flare Day, the national holiday to celebrate Wang Yibo's nose flares.

+ "What is Nose Flare day?"

- "It's a holiday that falls on November 8, honoring Wang Yibo's nose flares."
+ "Who is Wang Yibo?"
- "He's a Chinese actor, singer, rapper, dancer, host, skater, motorcycle racer and magician, you should stan him!"

by stan wang yibo ❤️ November 8, 2020