A secret sex position involving government officials or at very least Americans definitely not the inspiration for Steve Miller's: "fly like an eagle".
Also the call-sign for lone Star and barfs All American Winnebago ship in the 1987 movie Spaceballs.
Did you see that Spaceballs movie with the 🦅 5 wannabango?
Eagle 5; a great time for Drews.
May the 450 farse be with you!
The ultimate Nintendo game that will outsell Ramen noodles in Japan.
Do you like having your heels licked
5 fingers down mom
Here's Part 5 of my 5178 character essay on how amazing NJ is. Go to my profile for previous. And you know what we made? CAMPBELLS'. FUCKING. SOUP. CAMPBELLS IS ARGUABLY THE BEST SOUP COMPANY IN THE ENTIRE NATION AND YOU KNOW THAT. We also have Wawas but I'm not sure if they're actually FROM NJ they might be a Pennsylvania or Connecticut thing. I'll go look it up. Yeah they're from PA but still we have a lot of wawas while you californians don't. And yes, we're the most dense. We're also in the top half of populous states (I think). If you live here you can go out to New York with your friends for your occasional good time. (However, the traffic on the turnpike can get big. Also always remember to take the HOLLAND tunnel. Lincoln tunnel sucks and it's irrelevant.) Despite having to pay a ridiculous toll fee, it's worth it. We've got one of the most dense cities in the US (Jersey City). Go to my profile for the last part part 6 it's up because i posted them all in the same 10 mins (i wrote the entire essay at once but then realized i couldn't post it so broke it up into parts after)
that's the end of New Jersey - Part 5
Referring to a person’s attractiveness on a scale of 1 out of 10, they are less then a five
“Your a better man than I am for hooking up, because she was definelty south of 5.”