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Personal porn star

Someone who sends you nudes whenever you ask for them

"I'm feeling horny, better ask my personal porn star for a pussy pic

by Fungal tomato August 25, 2021

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ex-girlfriend porn

Home made porn video you made with an ex-girlfriend and still keep after the break up. Usually considered a precious treasure.

I have a lot of ex-girlfriend porn hidden among my computer files. I never delete any home porn video I made.

by t.zero December 22, 2015

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Midget Porn Palace

A house in burley crest, downend, where a local man spends so much time watching midget porn that the neigbours are constantly complaing about the groaning sounds being emmited from his house all night long

John: what was all that noise in the street last night?
Bill: mate its that wierdo in the midget porn palace wanking exessivley again

by tubzyboy July 17, 2015

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Porn Star Eyes

Adjective. Eyes that are bright and brilliant, like those of porn stars seen on the big screen.

Court~ "Who is that girl? She has Porn Star Eyes."
Jordan~ "Thats Amanda S. Her eyes are so bright and brilliant."

by Rook34 April 24, 2015

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porn al horno

noun; spanglish combo with direct translation of "porn in the oven"

"Hey Jorge, you got any porno al horno around?"
"Shiet ese dont say that shit around me madre"

by ponno July 11, 2004

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porn star famous

sex pictures or videos of an ex lover that get circulated after a nasty break-up

Rex totally dumped me, but I got my revenge. I showed all my girl friends the pictures of his tiny little cock. Boy did we all crack up! Rex is now porn star famous!

by suegoo58 January 8, 2010

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Gay Porn Hard

To put 187% into game. No holds bared!

Gord Ogilvey: We gotta be f**kin' triceps, biceps, arceps hard!
Doug Glatt: Hard!
Gord Ogilvey: Greek f**kin' underground gay porn hard!
John Stevenson: We're all Adonis's
Gord Ogilvey: Highlanders, gay porn hard!
Doug Glatt: Gay porn hard!

by Ethan Hines May 3, 2014

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