Source Code


A subreddit where you make a joke with a Unicode symbol. I can't explain it that good, please go on reddit and look at it for yourself.

u/PsychologicalCup8077 aka wallstreetdoge aka me:"woah I found a weird ass letter, let's post it in r/unicodecirclejerk"
My brain:"stop that's arabic, take something else"
Me:"it don't work bro"
My brain:"you're a moron"

by u/PsychologicalCup8077 November 20, 2021

b r u h


Are u for real b r u h?!?

by b r u h? November 2, 2020

b r u h

b r uh

b r u h

by July 13, 2021


B r U h

t h a t s a b r u h m o m e n t

by bftft September 2, 2020

b r u h

a spaced-out version of bruh. used to indicate an absolute bruh momment

one guy: hey i got an a+
me: b r u h everyone knows that

by June 8, 2021


Speech often used by people as a joke to mean a disappointment usually from discord

B R U H.

by COOLEST09 January 7, 2021

U R ban

To tell others that they are not allowed to be here.

Also see urban

U R banned

by Clever Penguin January 29, 2024