A perso who comits a verry illegal crime of being cool
Dude 1:hey did you know coach from left 4 dead? he is a realy cool dude!
*sirens blasting away in the distance*
A very cool group of people who are the *coolest dudes of the dudey dudes*
Jill: I'm a cool dude
Zara: No you're not!
Jill: I am.
Zara: Only I can choose who is in the cool dude club.
A Giant Orange Pedophilic Cat That "Saves" The Fucking Kids Against Keemstar And He Loves All Kid.
The Guy Behind Cool Cat Is Jared Fogle.
tapping on the toe of a new hat
a cool ass cat
“ Cause you're a cool cat. Tapping on the toe with a new hat. Ooh just cruising. Driving along like the swing king