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your friends

oh wait, you dont have friends

me: where r ur friends?
u: idk
me: do u have friends?
u: no
me: that shucks that your friends arent real

by NicholasTheAverageHuman October 31, 2018

15πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Fat Friend

A grossly overweight and bitter young woman who finds a social outlet by becoming β€œBest Friends” with a much more attractive girl then manipulating and ultimately controlling her life to live through her.

Extremely hostile to most of her attractive friend’s friends and especially all of her boyfriends. Will interfere constantly with the view to splitting them up by any means necessary.

Will constantly β€œFeed” her victim until she’s approaching the same weight category and level of unattractiveness.

Dave: "She was alright, that bird. You slipped up there, Jim."

Jim: "Wan't my fault, Dave. It was her fat friend sticking her oar in."

by UpYourKilt August 28, 2011

60πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž

Friend with benefits

Also known as FWBs. Girls, quit fooling yourselves. All the guy is saying is: "You're fun enough to fuck, but not interesting enough to date." Start respecting yourself.

Some douchey guy that used to be your friend until he revealed his true intentions: "Hey girl, wanna be my Friend with benefits?"

You: "Heck no. I respect myself more than that. You want a piece of this, put a ring on it. Otherwise, eff off."

by Vicky Secret December 7, 2011

142πŸ‘ 139πŸ‘Ž


(n.) - A person who portrays themselves like a true friend or confidante but, in reality, don't approve of the person or their actions. Although, they act generally friendly towards said person.

Yeah. Even though Jason hangs out all the time with him, he's always talking about how Trevaren lies and is extremely condescending towards everyone. That's an Anti-Friend.

by BigGrizzly[KOtM] December 23, 2010

34πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Friends of Pluto

The Friends of Pluto is a organization created by the Church of Scientology and dedicated to the idea that Pluto is the so-called "Clear Planet". They strive tirelessly to found missions to the dwarf planet, to research its cold and icy wastes, to plunge to very pith of its being and to sell a collection of pro-Pluto propaganda videos titled Pluto: Paradise!

The Friends were created in 1907 by a clandestine CIA-funded project known as Xenulogy (not to be confused with the study of Xena). Literally millions of dollars was poured into recruiting members, building elaborate secret fortresses beneath Washington, DC, developing the popular series of Pamphlets so beloved by Americans even today and finally by outfitting the ill-fated Plutonian Expedition to the South Pole. By 1915, the Xenulogists controlled both houses of Congress, 7 of 9 members of the Supreme Court and had created a robotic version of Woodrow Wilson that failed due to a lack of decent batteries. Fortunately (or unfortunately for some), World War I brought their reign of terror to an end when a coalition of nations banded together to stop "Those Yankee Haters", as they were known. They pooled their funds and built an elaborate series of telescopes to study the most-distant planet. Their efforts were thwarted initially as Pluto had not actually been discovered yet. However, defeat turned to victory as the Xenulogists realized that it was logically impossible for them to exist before the discovery of the planet they were dedicated to, and quietly disbanded.

The Friends rose again shortly after World War II, but were struck and killed instantly by an asteroid. Each successive incarnation has likewise been struck and killed. Nevertheless, Pluto: Paradise! is still a best-seller and their influence extends much further than anyone gives them credit for.

The Friends of Pluto are believed to be behind the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet, for nefarious reasons only known to them.

by Kodiac1 December 9, 2006

37πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

best friend

the best person that can help you, cry with you and mend the little cracks in the heart, a friend

some one that is best at being your friend therefore making them your best friend, better than your other regular friends

by singer201998 July 14, 2009

15πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

fuck friend

Friendship u can keep
F.u.c.k Friend

"Shes my F.u.c.k friend for life."

by chris sem. May 24, 2005

158πŸ‘ 161πŸ‘Ž