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Donkey's Full

In Texas Hold 'em donkeys full is when you make a full house while holding Jack 2. Instead of a full house its a full barn, donkeys full of ducks.

player A: I'm all in

Player B: i call, i have a straight

Player A: I have Donkey's Full, I win.

by JD123321 March 20, 2009

Full Pull

To pull back the full amount of a 3ml plunger of Fantasy/G/Juice/GBL and take a dose of the full amount of the plunger.. (in this case a 3ml plunger will provide about 3.5ml of substance)

Loz : "Oi Shaneo, What size dose do you want?"

Shaneo: " Give us a 'Full Pull' please you sexy cunt!!"

by Shalozed February 14, 2022

Full Pull

The art of fully pulling you and/or your bros foreskin back completely

Hey bro I’d give you a full pull for a $20

by Lemmeborrowtilwelly August 30, 2021

Full pull

When two men put the tips of their of penises together, and are being jerked off by a third person in one continuos and straight stroke. From scrotum to scrotum. This is considered a Full Pull.

This term originates from tractor pulling.

He performed a full pull, and they ejaculated at the same time.

by Dane Hurricane September 3, 2019

full nemo

when a man busts his nut as deep in the vagina

i ended up slitting the condom and going full nemo in that ho

by big billie August 29, 2013

full motherfucking stop

An emphatic full stop or period that not only terminates a sentence, but all future discussion on the topic.

Hate is a choice, medical conditions are not. Full motherfucking stop.
@wspittman via Twitter

by bityz November 10, 2020

Full Adams

When you've gotten so paralytic and you throw up so much from alcohol consumption, you resemble a monster from the Adams family.

Person 1: Hey have you seen Dan anywhere?
Person 2: Nah he's gone home, he went Full Adams and chundered all over the bar floor.
Person 1: Shitttt, that's nasty!

by LiamKnight123 September 28, 2022